of the park
The first thoughts about organizing protected areas in the territory that is now called “Koygorodsky” appeared back in the 1990s. In 2009, an agreement was signed on the intention to create a national park, then planned surveys and the development of an environmental and economic feasibility study began. Only towards the end of 2019 was the final decision made – the government decree on the creation of the national park was issued in December.

one on one with pristine nature. Neither the distant roar of the city, nor the cars unceremoniously parked on the river bank – nothing poisons the unity of man with nature.
unique natural complexes of the national park, flora and fauna, unique reference natural areas and objects.
Be enlightened
The environmental and educational activities of the park are aimed at providing support for the ideas of preserving biological and landscape diversity with the general public, assisting in the formation of environmental consciousness and the development of environmental culture.
one on one with pristine nature. Neither the distant roar of the city, nor the cars unceremoniously parked on the river bank – nothing poisons the unity of man with nature.
The national park is ready to cooperate with partners, sponsors and investors. You can support any of our projects organizationally, informationally or financially.
Become a volunteer to leave your mark on the centuries-old history of preserving the unique natural complexes of the park.
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Live nature
You can report fires, emergencies, places of unauthorized waste disposal and other violations on the territory of the Koygorodsky National Park by phone:
+7 912 566 57 37, Matveev Alexander Vasilievich, manager
+7 912 180 10 04, Zhabskaya Elena Pavlovna, senior state inspector